International Energy Technik

Mombasa Maize Miller

33/ 11 KV Substation (Tariff change)

Supply of Simocode controlled Motor Control Centre

Mombasa Maize Miller wanted us to design, supply, Install and commission 2 x 10 MVA 33 / 11 kV Indoor substation to upgrade their tariff systems from CI 2 To CI 3 to reduce the monthly power bills.
We did load study of their 4 milling plants and designed a redundant power supply system at 33 kV level with complete energy management system.

We designed indoor 2 x 10 MVA two bay unit substations consisting of below items:

Our Strategy

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Operation Philosophy: During Normal operating condition one 10 MVA transformers will feed to two out of four plants with bus sectionalizer OFF.  In case of any maintenance or fault at any of the bays we can also operate critical loads of faulty bay with another transfer with bus sectionalized ON. We achieved redundant system to reduce the down times. We also provided state of art Energy management system to retrieve real time energy consumption of each feeder to know the consumption also to cross check with utility bills.

Building Success Together, IET Africa’s Solutions in Action